Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick

Sax and drink and rock and roll

Busy day today which finished up at a fundraiser for the Grapes Hill Community Garden in Norwich. Lineup was Saxobility made up of about 20 sax players, the Norwich Accordian Club - their accordians looked huge! and the Norwich Ukulele Society. This was my chum Neil's first appearance with them. Couldn't see him as he was hidden behind one of the speakers but he survived and it's inspired me to maybe join them in the New Year. We shall see.

Earlier in the day we had the first session to work on a new Sew Gay project which is going to be a patchwork commemorating 50 years of LGBT history, internationally. I'm particularly looking forward to working on this as it's going to be a fab opportunity to learn - well, lots of stuff about LGBT history. I've chosen to do 2 squares - 1 to mark the year that Moscow held it's first Pride and 1 to mark the death of Benjamin Britten. Watch this space.

Then a quick skip across Millennium Plain to see the folks at Occupy Norwich who are going strong just over a month in. Offered my services to be a legal observer to be called on if required come the day that an eviction takes place.

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