must try harder

By halfcj

First Britain to die on Everest?

Quiz night last night. (Some people need to get a life!)

"Who was the first British climber to die on Everest?"- Why George Mallory of course! (Who knew?)

We came fourth from last, despite having a 100% correct answers after 12 questions....went downhill from there. Still, as they say, it's the taking part, not the winning........unless of course, you are really there to try and win the 'rollover', which consists of 1 question at the end, to which everyone has to make a guess and the closest to it can choose one envelope from four. Inside these envelopes are, in no particular order:
1. A bag of crisps.
2. A bottle of Wine
3. A lottery ticket.
4. The rollover.

So when the rollover is not won, next weeks rollover gets added to it (each week), until someone picks it. So....

This weeks question was "How many first class passengers were there on the Titanic?" Our guess was 310. Answer turned out to be '330-something'....and we were the closest for the first time ever. B went up, selected the envelope second from the! The rollover! 90 smackerooneys!

Who wants to win the quiz I say! Bottle of wine? Pah! Straight into the xmas party fund! Whoopee!

This morning started out a very sunny beautiful day. Everyone in a happy mood, sun shining, xmas fund bulging. Karma smiling on us for once.

By the time I got to take the dog for walk....this (photo) was how it looked! :( Miserable.

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