The journey continues...

By Lbell


This is a picture of the orphanage from the outside just to give you all an idea of where I have been volunteering. The photo isn't the best and I would really love to get a few pics of the kids but I don't think we're allowed to, I'll maybe save it until my final day!

The kids were acting and putting on a show for us in the home today so I had a very entertaining afternoon watching them and also enjoyed sitting with one of the older girls drinking some mate, the tea type specialty that they drink all day long here.

I left early as I went to see Breaking Dawn tonight (or Amanecer as its known here!) I was so excited and loved every minute of the movie! However I was definitely glad to get back to the apartment and into bed after the eventful walk to and from the cinema. First, on the way there a pregnant girl blocked my path holding her arm and cigarette hand out in front of me and giving me the biggest evil ever, then on the way back we were stopped by 2 teenage boys asking for money and I said no as I do numerous times every day, I later noticed that one of them was holding the top part of a glass bottle! Thankfully after swearing at us in English a few times and attempting to grab our bags they left us alone. Then finally as Alexia and I were almost at the apartment a car sped towards us as if it was actually trying to hit us! Crazy Argentines! It does make you realise though that no matter how safe and settled you feel somewhere, you can never underestimate the people around you.

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