The journey continues...

By Lbell

Pizza makes everything better :)

I decided to leave earlyish this morning and sort out a few things. I went and bought an argentine cable for my laptop as apparently adapters aren't good for them at all and that's the last thing I need failing on me! Julia asked us to cook curry tonight which is strange cause it's not like we eat curry that much at home and there is also a severe lack of curry ingredients here. I spent the rest of the morning walking around all of the supermarkets and corner shops trying to find coconut milk...when I did find it, it cost £5 for 1 tin! Then on my way home I managed to get severely lost, even though I was only like 3 blocks from the apartment. I have no idea how that is possible but I reckon I spent at least half and hour walking around, not having a clue where I was! Anyways the curry night was postponed until tomorrow which was better as we were very organised.

The orphanage was fun today, I was teaching the girls how to do handstands and cartwheels and surprised myself as I was still able to do a handstand against the wall. However after doing a few I fell on the concrete, not quite as good as I thought! I decided to watch the kids for the rest of the afternoon.

I had intended on going to the exercise boot camp tonight with Naomi but Julian asked me if I could stay an extra hour and I couldn't say no. It seems that I'll never get to go! By the time I got home I was starving and so I treated myself to a bolognese pizza..classic reward for ditching the exercise class! It looks gross here as I had problems keeping the box straight on the walk back but it is almost the best pizza ever, but not quite as good as carriages. They also serve this weird potato like thing with the pizzas in La Continental, kind of like potato bread but not very good at all.

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