Walking on Broken Glass

What a day.

My eldest daughter is a drama queen; if there is anything that she can make a drama of, she will. Today, it was the turn of the bath to create a drama. Apparently, baths are disgusting and filthy and she REFUSES to have one. The problem is that another child has (obviously not) ripped the sealant off the tiles and so the bathroom is not waterproof until the weekend when I have time (and energy) to fix it. Add that to the fact that she really did whiff a bit and the bath was needed, desperately.

So, the upshot was, she ended up in the bath fully dressed, being washed after nearly an hour of her screaming and hitting out and refusing to wash or bath. The water instantly turned a murky colour.

Am I a bad parent? I don't think so; she had to get clean; can you imagine how much she would have been bullied if she went to school smelling?

D'oh! The picture is the remnants of my laptop desk. I dropped a pen on it and it shattered into pieces.

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