Click Click Redemption

By Seoirseo

Mexican B-Boys (in fairly rubbish) Dance Off!

Body Movin' - Beastie Boys

After the cocktailish delights of earlier on Friday (see Yesterday), those of us still capable of standing attempted to elevate to this to some funky-dancing by heading to a bizarrely named (Patrick Miller - WTF?) nightclub.

Great fun, w/a large portion of the dancefloor given over to aforementioned dance-off. The guy in yellow was very good, but most others were prettly lumpen and lame.

They were so bad, I had to be held back from throwing down some drunken-paddywhackery moves of my own.

Though nothing could stop us all from the dancing game, which involved catching an illuminated bouncey-ball, shaking a tail-feather and then throwing said ball on to some other rhythmically-challenged drunk!

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