Click Click Redemption

By Seoirseo

Mi nombre es 'RRRRRRRRuuuutt'

This little lady was helping (in the loosest sense imaginable) her mum at a flower stall, where I was buying flowers for Sandra.

I was thinking to myself, it would be great to get a wee portrait, but didn't have the courage initially to ask her mum, thinking it might come across as weird.

Then Ruth just started babbling to me and I quickly realised, my language skills have still some way to go, as I could barely follow her.

But saying, "Click, Click", while miming the action of taking a photo is pretty universal and she was happy to pose for this one photo.

Really, quite pleased with it actually. I hope she is too when I print a copy and bring it to her and her mum.

Headed out to for a slightly pre-mature, birthday celebration for Sandra, which involved trying numerous coctails at a funky wee bar called, Limantour and then onto a nightclub for more beers, cocktails and silly dancing into the wee hours.

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