As Told By Ginger

By 9to12


THEY'RE HERE!!!!!!!!!

Well, I went to the pediatric hematologist today during the middle of school. I waited a long time to get more blood drawn and for the doctor to tell me that I'm fine. Then I got Panera and went back for the rest of eighth and ninth period. After school I ran the fastest four miles of my life. When I got back from practice, Chris and his girlfriend Fernanda were on their way home! I went to get them from the train station with my mom and then we came home and had dinner. I went to MYO after that and we played JUPITER AND MARS! I love those songs.

Now I'm chilling with Fernanda, Chris, and Meg in my basement...ahh the good old days.

Word of the Day: Poltroon - A wretched coward; craven

#44 ~ They don't have sidewalks in Nicaragua.

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