Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

The Eve of Thanksgiving Eve

I love this season.
I love the passion nature displays.
I love the colors.
I love the sound of leaves crunching beneath my shoes,
of the breeze weaving through the trees,
of the distant train inching through our city.

Late this afternoon after Mr. Fun and I had both arrived home, we decided to take the three pooches to the dog park. When we got there the small dog area had no dogs, so we let them play there for a bit and then they stood barking at the dogs in the big dog park. That's when we decided to put their leashes back on and "give it a go!" and we marched them over to the gate into the big dog area. We stepped through the second gate and unhooked their leashes and they were off and playing. Oh they had fun! Capturing a photo of them, though, was impossible! So we just enjoyed the moment. Then a "big dog" puppy, who had never been at the park, arrived. That was a little scary as he wanted to "charge" every dog in the place. Our three little ones weren't quite sure what to think. But everyone in the park helped the owner of the new "big" puppy survive the moment.

On the way home we decided to reward ourselves and continue the birthday celebration with a cup of frozen yogurt as an appetizer before going home to prepare dinner. It was at that moment that we discovered the real reward was watching the sky. So we watched.

I love this season as it oozes with passionate colors and sounds and plays my emotions like a keyboard. And tomorrow will be the "eve" of Thanksgiving -- my favorite holiday.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, and the three pooches), aka Carol

P.S. Honest, I'll end this birthday celebration tomorrow -- cake, I'll end it with cake. A birthday isn't complete without some cake. So that's the preview of tomorrow's adventure!

P.P.S. After dinner and the evening news we watched the DVD of the Trans-Siberian Orchestra's "The Christmas Trilogy." Fabulous story and terrific music and while Thanksgiving is my favorite, Christmas is a lovely holiday too!

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