Bright Light, Dark Room

By ellies

Perfect Evening

Friday was a really lovely day. First I travelled from Newcastle to Lancaster to join my friend Dot for lunch to celebrate her getting married in Germany last Saturday. It was wonderful to see her so happy, and it was good to see lots of my former colleagues as well.

Then I caught the train up to meet my family at Oxenholme and drive to Ravenstonedale where my mum and dad have rented a cottage for a little holiday to celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary.

Ravenstonedale is th perfect village, and the countryside roundabout is the perfect countryside, as far as I'm concerned. After tea, my mum, brother and I went for a walk through the fields in the evening sun. There were millions of wildflowers and our shoes were yellow with pollen by the end of it.

I love that area so much.... my dad discovered it back in the 60s when researching family history. He found that our ancestors farmed in th district back in about the 1700s, and he has felt a strong connection ever since.

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