Bright Light, Dark Room

By ellies

Top of the World

My mum would kill me if she knew I had posted this on the Internet. But it was a proud moment.

This is my mum on top of a hill called Wild Boar Fell. She first saw it in 1978 and it had been her ambition since then to climb it. With one thing and another, it never happened, and she claimed she was now too old and arthritic and unfit to do it. But I coaxed her to the top on Sunday! She really didn't think she could do it, but I think she was surprised that it wasn't more difficult!

It's not a great big mountain or anything, but it's a sizeable hill that my family have always admired. My brother and I have both been up a few times, but neither of my parents ever had been. Sadly, life is a bitch and my dad will never make it, but although it made him jealous, I think it also really pleased me that my mum made it.

I just hope it'll give her a bit more belief in other things.

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