The Pain of Me

By snyder54

Makes Me Wonder

Maroon 5

Cheryl came to pick me up at 10:00 this morning. I had to help her straighten her hair at my house. It looked kinda bad. We left and went to pick up CJ. After that we went to the Zanesville mall because Cheryl had to turn in some job applications. We walked around for a while, and I bought a Sweeney Todd poster. I'll blip it some other time. After that we went to the Elemantary playground and messed around for awhile. Then we went to Wildwood, which is an amazing park. We saw someone else from our school who we were actually friends with.

After that we went to Dairy Queen, I bought for the 3 of us. After that we took CJ home. Then went to Gellar park. CJ walked over from his house after he ate dinner. We hung out and then took him home. Cheryl and I went back to her house and I helped her fill out some of her Thank You Cards from her grad party. She then took me home.

My blip for today is of the bag where I got my Sweeney Todd poster. I started freaking out when I saw it in the store. I love that movie so much, so I just had to buy it.

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