to my bones

By mavo

Essi <3

all the thoughts at home now at our dog, worried what tomorrow is going to be.. Got to skype with my mom so it made me feel better and hopefully I got mommy also to feel better <3 It's just amazing all the frustration that I'm so near, Ireland is not far from Finland, and still I just can't get there now when I really should be there.. I was afraid of this, that something like this will happen now when I'm not in Finland, but as my friend said, these kinds of things never have a good timing.. I'm happy mom and Essi have had some good time together, Essi has been eating well and they have been spending a lot time together. <3

At night went running with my camera to get some fresh air for thoughts. Went again to my favourite place in Tralee, or this is my favourite route, peaceful and beautiful. Sending all the hugs and thoughts to home, love my family so much <3

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