....I wanna dance with some body....

The year11 organisers of our Eid themed party at school tonight take to the floor "pour encourage les autres".

The kids organised it themselves, DJ, dance displays, raffle, pizza, chips, cakes and fizzy pop. A good time was had by all....and I'm home in time for the quiz!

I'll be back later to let you know how I got on....the Boss is working....but D and V will be there and possibly the Boss' younger brother will turn up.

Das vidanya for now.

Quick update....we won the quiz 44 points out of a possible 60. An ex pupil was on the second place team, when he saw me collecting the £20 drinks voucher he abused me!(jokingly, I see him every saturday, his dad owns the bait shop)....Why didn't you teach me some of that stuff instaed of all that crap about light and energy in Physics?

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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