
Have you ever lost touch with a friend in the maze of life and rediscovered them, or been rediscovered by them years down the road?

I have - and without exception it has always been an exciting and enriching experience to lay the foundation for a friendship all over again and catch up where things left off. Memories conjured from the past and blown to waking life again in the present. Changed, and yet the same. Like a snake shedding it's skin for one all shiny and new...

An old friend from my days at Virginia Tech reached across the void to find me earlier this week. And I'm so glad she did. Hilary and I share some great experiences from those days, and have much in common still. Our paths have gone different ways - though they are quite similar paths also. Paths of learning and discovery. Paths rich with relationships between people, places, and ideas. Paths imbued with spirituality and rooted in nature. Paths walking the line between roots and wings.

Hilary is down in Virginia on holiday from divinity school up in New England at Yale. And just like that we met in Richmond again after over 6 years apart. We lounged in crispy winter sunshine in the grass sipping on coffee and catch up, wandered through childhood memories and botanical names in the gardens of Maymont, and sampled delicious heaps of sushi. Along the way we discovered and reinforced a connection long dormant. Stirring dull roots and kindling friendship all over again.

Many thanks for old friends!

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