My colourful life!

By rainbowtaylor

Rainbow bath.

Woke up and went to the loo and then my Beaver came in and threw up - again! Poor boy! So that meant another day at Grandmas! I got my head down at work and the day went by fairly quickly for a change!

More pictures of my Cub on school website on his school residential and he looks well. Home tomorrow! Looking forward to hearing all about it if he can be bothered to tell me!

Was looking forward to having a quiet evening with a snuggle with my poorly boy. But when I got to my car after work I found it deader than a dead dodo! Had to call rescue from a lovely knight in shining armour who looks very much like my husband. So after all that we were late home and I didn't get my snuggle! Not at work tomorrow so will stay in bed with my Beaver and snuggle up then in front of daytime tv!

Having a long bath at the moment and been playing with the bath letters! Photo is of one of my favourite things!

Thank you hubby and grandma for saving the day. (again!)

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