thankful for...

...opportunities to express gratitude

the merriam-webster dictionary defines thanksgiving as, "1) the act of giving thanks, 2) a prayer expressing gratitude, and 3) a public acknowledgment or celebration of divine goodness."

i love the fact that along with this little one pictured here, abhi... and her family today - one of my dearest collection of friends ever - i could celebrate thanksgiving day... eating an abundance of food - laughing at silly things - sharing life together... remembering to be grateful that we are blessed to be in a country that allows us a variety of freedoms and that we have a god who has protected us and provided for us through the years. ..

give thanks to the lord, for he is good. his love endures forever. psalm 136:1-3

from husbands and wives... to children and grandchildren... to pets... new opportunities... reconnections with friends... money and food... the list goes on and fills our hearts with joy and peace - when we allow ourselves to stop and take the moment to realize all we have. thankfulness and gratitude need not be a one time a year event... it needs to happen every day... and in so doing - it will indeed make for...


happy day.....

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