Golden linings

Lashing rain and gales last night gave way to this amazing sunrise as I pootled in to work! Fantastic bruised colours and I like the way the little polytunnel is illuminated - worth biggifying. I think there might be the odd heron or two passing by.

Subbing today as the headteacher's daughter is unwell - she rushed her to Cork yesterday morning, a two hour journey to the nearest accident and emergency. At 1am this morning they were still waiting for a bed and had yet to be seen. She finally got a bed this afternoon. A ridiculous and exhausting situation.
A pleasant day in school, we made a huge advent calendar, everyone doing two days worth of windows to open.

I've just had a small adventure too. I went to look at the sesttles mentioned by Russell a few days ago - I give his son some extra tuition and in return I get a settle! He took me into a barn which was just jumbled full of at least 8 settles, dresser tops, rubbish and the odd chair. Apparently his pigs had somehow got in and caused havoc! There are two which are in pretty good condition and very interesting but they're surprisingly big and heavy. I'm not sure if we have anywhere they'll fit but will do some measuring tomorrow. I can't bear to see them just disintegrating.
Have a good weekend.

Off to the cinema again!! This time to see 'Marilyn', will report back.

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