Lily takes the taste test

Dull, wet, windy but in my classroom it's been non-stop fun - this blip shows science in action!! We've been looking at senses and today it was the turn of taste - here's Lily finding out about 'sour'!! She came back for seconds! Oh dear, and I've just seen the state of her fingers!!!
We also did an experiment to see how good our taste buds were - four different flavoured crisps were presented in order and the children had to identify what they were - they were told what the options were. Well mayhem ensued!!! I boy thought he was going to be sick (he only eats white bread or sausage rolls); smallest boy wanted to eat everything and smallest girl wanted to see the packets before she even considered eating anything! Then gettting people to tick things in the right boxes at the right moment!! Basically, nobody could identify anything - was it their tatstebuds or the horrible artifical flavours of the crisps!! I'm sure runningbackwards doesnt have these problems!!
I've got to work tomorrow too and the glitter is now out - it's all down hill from here on!

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