Chaos and Calm

By KatKatzenjammer

At last!!


For those who don't regularly read my blips, two weeks ago I was booked in to get my 16th tattoo done, but a series of mishaps forced it to be canceled at the last minute, and I wasn't sure when I would get it done because of busy schedules. Well, because my lovely tattooist is lovely, it was done today.


So, as with all my tattoos, this one is very significant, and carries a lot of meaning.
In March I had surgery on my shoulder, done via three keyhole incisions. Originally there were three keys in the design, but because I will require further surgery, we changed the design to two keys so that there's no chance of tattoos being ruined. Two keys also works - only two of the scars from the shoulder op are obvious.
But there is another VERY obvious scar running down the length of my arm, and through part of the tattoo. Massive surgery on my arm. Both operations were required because of a car accident in April 2009. I damaged all three nerves in my arm - my radial nerve has never recovered. Initially I was told I wouldn't get more than 40% function back in my arm, but today, despite a severe loss of sensation and movement, I am at about 80%. The injuries sustained, and subsequent surgeries forced me to end certain chapters in my life, and start new ones...
... To close some proverbial doors... To unlock others.

The ribbon, linking the keys is a shade of blue that is close to the colour of the car that I rolled. Everything I am today links back to that night two and a half years ago.

Blah blah blah. That's actually the short version of the story.

Anywho, next tattoo is in two more weeks, and it will be my last one for the year. :(

On that note, bed time. Once again I was on photo duty for a friend's gig. Once again I got home at a mental hour that only 21 year old's stay out until. Once again, I'm doing my nearly 5am five o'clock in the morning blipping.

Such a hard life. :P

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