Morning Glory

Red sky in the morning and all that jazz. It was beautifully bright here in Dullmullo first thing this morning but as I drove across the bridge and looked towards Perth I could see some foul stuff heading our way. It would appear there is more to come. I have a feeling that autumn is now over and winter is on its way.

Spent this morning doing a financial records workshop. I am sure you can hear my heart sing with delight from where you are.

The afternoon was spent shifting furniture (note to self - check job description, on second thoughts don't - it will be covered by the "and any other duties as required" paragraph)

The smell, mentioned yesterday, is still there albeit now infused with peach (again I say, bleurk) No gas masked were issued. However, we did have a very high tide so hopefully that will shift things out as it ebbs. I am grasping at straws here :)

It will be an early night for me tonight as I have to be on the 9:01 into town for our Open Day tomorrow.

Have a great Friday x

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