Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

? and again ?

I awoke with a start today.

A jolt from some mad reverie of a dream, places and emotions morphing into familiar strange faces, distant puzzlements welded to my brain.

Dressed and confused I left the house, driving into Cambridge in the most odd and perplexing cosmos. I cycled from the car and headed into town, over the bridge and onto the common. Many pictures have come from this place and it still thrills me even now to top the bridge and see what will be there.

Today the clouds were the most amazing colours, if only I could have captured the sky as it was some minutes before this moment....... the wondrous nebulas of the universe had landed on our mortal terrain. I watched as the light changed and the magic disappeared, left standing, observer of a long finished play. People walked by looking into the void of my stare. I wish I could share some of the things I have seen, what was it the replicant said in BLADE RUNNER.... "all these moments tears in rain", well my blip buddies, maybe not so lost after all!

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