Bingley Lights
I thought today would be a blip harvest...orienteering in Penrith so there would be lots of Lakes views or interesting town shots or orienteers jumping off things or over things....not to be. Firstly we were parked out of the town next to a rugby pitch with no rugby action going on, then we ran around a housing estate rather than the town, then it rained and blew and blew some more and rained even more, then it got dark - brilliant! I managed to get my train home safely but then was going to have to wait an age for the bus so I decided to walk and blip the Bingley lights behind me on the road home. I wonder how many of the drivers who passed me thought, what is that woman doing in the middle of nowhere in the dark with several bags pointing a camera into a field?! Maybe tomorrow will be a better blip day Mr Weatherman??
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