Udderly magnifique!
I've spent most of today grocery shopping and catching up with housework, the weather's been dull, windy and uninspiring and I haven't been anywhere interesting. So, here's a random object from around the house! Slightly water-damaged from having been stored under a leaky sink (now fixed).
I have my Auntie Virginia in Vancouver to thank for introducing me to the wonders of Bag Balm. The instructions assure the customer that this product will tackle 'Bunches, caked bags, cuts, sore teats, chalking and inflammation' and that it 'strikes into the milk glands allaying irritation, relieving congestion and softening the tissues. It heals skin troubles and makes the teats soft and pliable'...
You may have noticed that I'm neither a cattle farmer nor a vet but Virginia uses this stuff as a hand-cleaning preparation and I picked the habit up from her. After several years of usage I can report that not only are my hands as soft as a baby's bottom but I don't suffer from any of the conditions listed on the tin either... I'll say no more than that. Phew!
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