For the family

By RonaMac

The window

We were back at the old hospital today to show our daughter the new window and board room. We weren't able to get into Wheeley Lea ward unfortunately. She was duly impressed and took loads of pictures.

There was a hard fight with the city council to get this very traditional window approved, but the steely determination of the league and enormous support from the University won the battle in the end.

The University has transformed the old wards into lecture rooms, but old nurses "see" the wards as they were and we had lots of "remember when" comments followed by tales of what we got up to.

Before going to the hospital we met up with R & D for a walk round the race course. The 4 dogs had a ball of a time and even "the grumpy old man" behaved himself, a minor miracle considering the dozens of dogs we met on the way round. The fact that B had him on a lead did help.

This afternoon we went over to see Granddad who has been very poorly. The district nurse went in yesterday and got the doctor out to see him. 24hrs of antibiotics has made a difference and also helped him to realise that he is poorly (Im not just being a pest) and maybe needs to let us help him more.
We had a most enjoyable meal together before R & the dogs headed off home.

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