View From The Other Side

After swimming we called in at the Sorting Office (Mum - the M&S package has arrived safely x) before heading to the best garden centre in the world ever for lunch.

I managed to stop Ben buying a Christmas tree it is effing November for effs sake and Ally from buying fish we have no pond for them - what exactly do you plan to do with them? And you have no fish tank either - nor £45 to buy one... Also I prevented Lily from buying an evil rabbit I am having no animal with glowing red eyes living in MY house and Bella buying more fish when did you last do a water change/clean out the 2 you have? Last month?! LAST MONTH?! More like 6 monthes ago and it was me who blinking did it!

Red was my angel throughout all of this - and it is very unusual at the moment for me to be feeling such affection for him...

Then we tried to go to Truro M&S but couldn't get parked so we tried Tesco but also couldn't get parked so we went to my current favourite - Sainsburys. We did a food shop AND the children managed to complete THEIR Christmas shopping. So we all had cake to celebrate in the cafe!

This evening we have introduced them to Wayne's World. Red got all giddy and kept trying to flash his belly at us. Lily danced like a thing posessed. Ally moaned that it was boring and Bella seemed to enjoy it.

Meanwhile I wrapped up all the pressies they had bought each other to stop sneaky peaking. Just the tip of a very big iceberg I fear. I think much wine shall be consumed over the coming evenings...

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