michigan man

By outdoorguy

Tall Grass

I have probably 35-40 movies that I watch every time they come on the idiot box. I can't help it..I'm just drawn in. It only gets annoying when I start saying the next line before the actor/actress says it.

Gladiator is one of the movies. I realize that it is too violent, too bloody, and too gory. BUT..it is visually stunning, and just over-the-top with themes of love, loyalty, friendship, and perserverance. And..I think that is enough of spouting off like a movie critic.

This tall grass reminds me of the final scene. The gladiator has died, and he's going off to "heaven" to be with his murdered wife and young son. He is walking through the tall grass when his wife and son see him. The son runs up the lane to greet him. The wife is framed in the setting sun. Beautiful. There is a choke and a sob. (Oh..that's from me), and the movie ends.

I wanted to try to experience what he felt as he walked through the grass. A tiger cat was blocking my way. I took 6 pictures of him/her before it scampered off. I hitched up my hiking shorts to resemble a loin cloth. I put on a breastplate that I had brought with me, and to finish off the outfit..a heavy metal helmet/face mask. I used my camera as a shield.

I closed my eyes and headed in. I let my hands skim across the top of the grass. It was both soothing, and as the kids say..almost surreal. I thought I heard a chariot..but it was just a passing car. In the movie he was attacked by tigers in the arena. I was wishing the little tiger cat would make a move on me. I would have dropped him like a 3-foot putt. Reality set in when the firm ground gave way to a little mud. Enough walking.

I chose the grass over a squirrel on a fence, a flying seagull, and a red leaf. None of those images reminded me of any movies.

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