michigan man

By outdoorguy

Baa Baa Off-White Sheep

I went out this afternoon to watch my grandson for a couple of hours. The first hour was great..naptime. I drifted off while watching No Country for Old Men. Scary movie. The title never used to bother me..but now I find it offensive. "Who are they to tell me what part of the country I can live in?"

The 2nd hour was non-stop action. I quickly learned his new trick. He walked up to me, and held out his little arms. My mind said.."AWWW", and reached down to pick him up. He quickly crawled over my head and shoulders (not the shampoo), and stood up on the couch. He then stumbled over to the end table, got down to his crawl, and crawled out on the end table. Seconds later..he was on his feet . I half expected him to beat his chest, and give me his best Tarzan yell. He settled for shaking his parents new expensive lamp, and lifting the little 2-foot Christmas tree. So much for Granfather-Grandson bonding. He was just using me to get from point A to point B. The little scoundrel!!

I left his house in search of sandhill cranes. I found a "herd" of about 25, but have really struggled to get a good picture of them this fall. The bleakness of the afternoon sure didn't help.

So..the sheep make the front page. I used to say that sheep are the dumbest animal around. Then..we became friends with people who have a sheep farm. Now..I still think they are, but I just don't say it any more.

Our friend is also a sheep-shearer. These sheep look like they are ready for a trim. He demonstrated his "art" one day at our church..in front of a big mixed group of adults and kids. He told me that he rarely cuts the sheep. Of course.. this day he cut a sheep..not once..but twice. The kids screamed.."Look mommy..the sheep is bleeding!!" The 2nd sheep he sheered got excited and deposited some "pellets" out onto the ground. Bob acted like he picked a handful up, and put them in his mouth, saying.."These are just like M & M's." The kids screamed again.."EOWWWWW!!." Funny stuff.

My mother-in-law is still in the hospital. It looks bleak, but we are still hoping for things to get better. Depressing.

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