Wistful moments

By KathM

Evening walk

Phew, i haven't stopped today. I have blitzed the house, done 3 loads of washing and a pile of ironing. I always feel better when the house is clean and fresh sheets are on the bed. I can now get on with the rest of my holiday. Unfortunately i have a funeral to atend tomorrow but then i'm out for a meal with Koko who is doing a great job at looking after me since i became single again. It's times like this you find out who your friends are. Another of my work colleagues has also taken me under her wing and Christmas might not be quite so depressing as i'd first imagined. Anyway, after a bracing walk in my favourite park i'm now ready to crack open a bottle of red, fill my face with chilli and tortillas and think about what to do with the rest of my time off. I'm considering booking myself into a B&B somewhere for a couple of days and doing some walking. I have to keep going!

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