Please stop breaking wind at each other.
Such wonderful babies,I love all my children so very much,even now ... now Lucy is SHRIEKING 'DON'T KEEP LICKING ME' ...... yet just seconds early she requested Eve sniff her pants.....ohhhhhhhh the tussles they are having warms the heart and the nostrils,its quite stinky in here just now.....
I have more antibiotics,been feeling peeky for a week or so and booked an appointment and whhaaaddyyaaa know,bit of the old kidney meltdown and also manky tonsils... unrelated....if anyone wants to send me chocolate.. tiiinnnaaaaaa,tiiinnnnaaaaaaa (subliminal message ) then I will happily email you my home address......
Look,I realise I am quite a 'different parent to many as in I ADORE the children off school,which I know I have mentioned before.. and yes,I am a bit lax at looking after them so they tend to stand on the worktops a bit scouring for food,well I have sunk to new depths.. I AM OVERLY EXCITED that school is closed Wednesday as there is a teachers strike.. I simply cannot help it,I have even brought them a new batch of sticky tape and loads of craft crap so they can go wild and make crud I will later throw in the bin.
My advice to the Mums at school who say 'I hate the school holidays' is... stop breeding then.I could go off on a rant,but I am a bit ill..
Thank you to Sammy fletcher for feeding me today and supplying LOADS of cake :D xxx
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