Gitama's World

By Gitama

Breakfast @ 100th Blip Cafe

My 100th was supposed to be has been a commitment to myself to post everyday.

A dose of food poisoning threw that commitment out the window....I still feel like I'm floating around in some alternate universe.

This little honey eater presented himself to me and I didn't have to do to much to snap him. I did get some better shots but I liked this one of him having a little drink.

My computer is still @ the doctors...(probably where I should be) and my daughters computer is doing some funny things like turning off and only turning back on now and then so it's a bit hit and miss on when I can get on.

Thank you for your comments the other day.........I really appreciate them, and you, and yes! like someone said the other day (I think it was Dave Vodkaman)......the quality of all of your pics really make me raise the bar of my own.

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