Gitama's World

By Gitama

Mr King-Parrot

I was lucky again today..this guy came to visit and was very agreeable to sit and pose for his pic whilst I was fiddling about with settings on the camera. Again I didn't have to move too far. He is not as sharp as I would of liked but my hands are a bit shakey.

I'm feeling wretched still...I thought I was getting better but it has returned with a vengeance and not pretty.

I have my computer back now...... all fixed up (hopefully) so I can get on now and then to check out all the pics I've missed...(I hate missing anything)....seems I can only sit at the computer for about 10 mins at a time and then have to go and have a lie down.

Thank you for all your caring and heartfelt comments yesterday they really brought a smile to my face and warmed my heart.

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