Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


This was taken in the wee small hours when I was trying to distract myself away from the pain I was experiencing in my stomach and the feeling of nausea.

Only 10hrs after stopping anti sickness tablets and going back to my normal dosage of my other tablet the symptoms came back with avengance.
Eventually got to sleep after much pacing around and lying in all positions.

Phoned the dr this morning and went back along. A different dr who got the full story and a bucketful of tears.
A different acid tablet to take daily - a stronger type and more anti sickness tablets. They need to get the acid one right as I will be on them for life. It isproving to be a tricky process.
Blood results came back normal: (

A hard day which has resulted in me coming home from work and going straight to bed for a bit.

The photo - my parrot plant creating a shadow on my wall from the outside lights, with a watering bulb sticking out.

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