My Photographic Footprint

By Theodora8

Tomorrow's Vegetarians?

This is not the sort of photograph I had in mind, when I went to the Fat Stock Show this morning.

I always approach this annual event with mixed feelings. I am not a vegetarian, I can not say I never eat sheep, pigs, or cattle. But I do find it hard to see pen after pen of freshly shampooed and groomed farm animals, looking their very best. And most sadly, enjoying The Day Out.
They nuzzled up to the sheep or pigs in the next pen, and seem to enjoy viewing the other species who view them from across the bars.

This morning it was extra busy. There were lots and lots of school children, which is unusual. They are normally in class and never get to see the stock in the square.
There were youngsters from reception class age, through to teenagers.

I took some photos, the usual ones, of adorable sheep et al, and left for a tea with friends, just as a daisy chain of five year olds approached the sheep, singing Baa baa Black Sheep.
It was a charming bucolic scene. There was a man on a mobile, outside the wine bar, loudly telling his caller that he was in a town full of people looking at sheep and goats (no goats) in pens, and there was no where to park. He was laughing. The sun shone.
But of course I knew where these animals were going, after they had been judged and sold.

When I came back half an hour later, the atmosphere had changed at one end.
Some one had told some children where the sheep were going. There was dreadful wailing.
The children were obviously shocked. Distraught in fact. It must have been a very difficult place to learn where lamb chops came from.
I find the show difficult. I often have to hold back tears. The animals look so perky. The break in their routine, the patting, and nibbles which are given to the pigs.

There was a girl at school who won a pig at a fete. She lived in Putney. They took it home. I can not recall what became of the pig, but she was the first vegetarian I ever met. And is to this day. I think this could possibly be the path for these two children for quite a while.

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