Every photo tells a story

By 5strings1

Shiva the basket weaver.

This is Shiva, my stranger # 11. He very kindly agreed to pose for me . The work he was carrying out was very intricate, and he told me that he splits the bamboo cane and then uses this to make the baskets. The baskets are very durable, and as is very often the case in India, they can last a lifeline, and in true Indian style they can be repaired and recycled. Shiva's wife repairs bamboo mats and is often seen working under this wonderfully shady tree.Shiva and his wife and extended family, three generations live, in adjacent shack with a collection of hens and cats and dogs.To find out more about this challenge and see other photos, click on the link. This image got me in trouble with the "thought police" who act as "admin" for blipfoto. I received a "harumph" type message from Al Fed, who advised me that I had broken the rules of the group, and was therefore "banned" Forgive me my use of quotation marks, I feel rather like a red top journalist. I've never been banned from much, with the possible exception of Helen Reynolds daring me to enter the forbidden territory of the girls' toilets of the English Martyrs' infant school. I thought the shame would never leave me. Helen thought it extremely funny, but my ma couldn't understand why I wasn't in the Ladyday procession. Disappointment haunted all my life. Then I saw her face ...
I e-mailed Mr Admin Al Fed,who is domiciled in Cologne, I think, and provided him with evidence that I was a bona fide contributor.I had actually received some praiseworthy comments fom him He apologised, quite grudgingly I thought, but I am decided that I will not show there anymore. Shiva was a stranger to me. I think that this is what I would regard as an enviromental portrait, but apparently I had broken the rules. I am tempted to deliver this with an accent, but modesty forbids. I want him to stick his ban where the sun seldom shines.

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