How Not To Be A Scout.

Or, How To Get Caught Out.

As in, we ran out of nappies this morning. Helpfully, Charley is pooing rather frequently at the moment. Which in the grand scheme of things is a good thing I suppose.

I completely forgot that he was going to have to be completely nekkid to be weighed when the midwife came round, and of course there was a large amount of poo in his final nappy and also a large amount of wee. (He's lost 130g/5oz and has gone from 3850g/8lbs 8oz to 3720g/8lbs 3oz in 5 days, which is perfectly acceptable. Also had his final heelprick so his tiny little feet can get on with healing now, poor things!)

Steve had been online and found out how to fold a terry square into a useful nappy, and presented me with a muslin folded correctly. Unfortunately, the actual nappy pins were nowhere to be found and we had to make do with a couple of tiny gold safety pins - I think his vest was holding the "nappy" together more effectively than the pins. And of course we have no outer wraps that fit a newborn, the ones we have will probably start fitting him at around 5 or 6 months old.

In hindsight, a muslin would be perfectly ok for a brand new newborn, i.e. one whose mothers' milk has not yet come in and is still feeding purely on colostrum.

What actually happened was after the midwife had gone and we tried to get some lunch down us before rushing out to the shops for the particular band of disposable nappy we use (among other things) we were almost out the door when Charley did a BIG wee which went straight through the muslin and out the other side. Onto the sofa, Steve, the floor.

And then he pooed as well.

All we could do (sorry Charley) was line his carseat with a few thickly folded muslins and put him in it and rush out to the shop! Once there I went in and bought the nappies only, fetched Charley, took him and the nappies into the baby room while Steve and Ben did the other shopping and sorted him out. He was not impressed. Especially as he was now hungry as well. Thankfully the nappy liner had done its job of keeping all the nasty poo contained, and it was just the yellowness that leaked out with the wee and stained everything! Cue complete change of clothes that thankfully we'd already packed into the changing bag.

We were on our way to see friends and didn't want to miss them so I took him out to the car screaming while Steve and Ben were paying for the bits they'd chosen, put the seat in and took him out to sit in the front to feed him quickly while we waited. The small amount he managed before it was time to go seemed just enough to mollify him while he was put in his seat again, but he was not impressed at having to stay there.

Of course he was asleep by the time we got to our friends' house!! And slept most of the time we were there. I had to go to the bathroom to relieve my poor boobs, it was getting impossible to move again. The children had some lovely cuddles with Charley, and Ben eventually got his milky cuddles with me which cheered him up. I'd not brought my insulin with me not expecting to stay very long, and although Ben wanted to stay longer we had to go home.

Now, he'd already been to the loo twice so we didn't ask him if he needed a wee before we left. But, halfway to the level crossing he announced that he needed a wee. We asked him if he thought he could keep it in until we got home and he said yes. Then his little voice piped up "weewee stop coming out... weewee stop coming out... weewee stop coming out...." sounding more and more worried.... we pulled over pronto and he managed to hold it in just long enough to get his trousers and pants down to pee by the side of the car!

Poor wee man.

We got home without major incident though - thankfully there was a space right outside the house as well...

We're going to have to go back to that shop as well.

All we actually bought that was on the "list" was nappies and a present from Ben to Charley and from Charley to Ben. Everything else got forgotten in the rush!

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