
By Teacherlady

Angry Bird

I know angry bird is a game and everyone but me seems to be playing it but the title - not the game - came to mind when this chap called in.

Here I was, hiding in the laundry snapping happily at the sparrows and native pigeons feasting on the bread roll I had tossed out when without a thank you they all left.

This had happened before - so I started looking for the cat - only to find this guy. Interestingly he was listening to my camera shutter - so he has brilliant hearing.

Like those tall dark strangers that come into town in romance novels he sat for a bit, had some bread and then casually left. I have know idea who he was and I know I have never seen him before (this is the time when TeeJay is going to tell me it is a girl) but I am curious.

Does anyone know???

As he left all the other birds came back

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