
By Teacherlady

Rainbow Lorikeet

Now before we get on to these two colourful characters I need to bring up yesterdays blip. Thank you for your comments, I did enjoy the feedback.

But no wonder all the birds disappeared, I researched and the little angry bird is a Red Wattlebird, they are as common as mud around here because of all the bottlebrush trees we have. Nasty little so and so's and not shy on telling people what they think of them. They are such bullies that even my cat is frightened of them.

I do challenge you all to google an image of a red wattlebird and then again look at my blip yesterday and tell me just who is having a bad day.

I was on the look out for one to blip today to use as a comparison but the neighbour was mowing the lawn and I think that may have disturbed them so I went down to the local nature reserve and found two doves displaying their best poses to what has to be the female who, just as I was getting my camera out, made her choice and the pair of them moved off to a more romantic spot away from view. Then I spied these delightful guys talking to each other at the top of their voices. They are not easy to capture most times as they move so fast and often - but they loved this tree and gave me some pretty great shots. This is not the clearest but I think the best overall.

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