Dear Heart

By dearheart

Wrapping up warm

Dear Heart,
It's hardly the most artistic of blips, but I walk past these houses on my way into town and am always reminded of that scene in Oliver where he wakes up and sings about what a beautiful morning it is. The streets are bustling with girls laden with strawberries and men scrubbing windows until they gleam like jewels. I managed to catch one workman with his head out of the bottom window, talking with his companion. Not very "photographic" for the first of December, but the cold is making me lazy.
I bought a new winter coat - it is brown... That's really all I have to say by way of describing it, except that it is lovely. I'm not sure it looks quite right on me though; I had to buy a size up from the one I wanted to get, as the button around my chest looked fit to burst off and hit the sales assistant in the eye.
I will try it out at Houseparty this weekend - how exciting!
Love, Lydia x

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