In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

Snow (Hey oh)

Day 2 in the big brother house, Day 2 of my seasonal blips.
A common saying, especially parents to offspring, at this time of year, is
" Money doesn't go on trees you know."
Well technically, paper money does, as paper is made from wood pulp...
Oh I know that some paper money nowadays is not made from paper anymore, so stop being pedantic nobody likes a pedant. Actually I do like pedants.
It's pendants I don't like , or is it peasants?
Definitely not pheasants because I love eating pheasants. Sorry veggies.
Anyway, to dispel yet another myth, I bet you all thought that snow was frozen water that falls from the sky when the conditions are just right.
WRONG, this proves that to be false, it comes in convenient, handy to carry bags.
Gosh that must involve a lot of work for the big guy upstairs.

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