My Aim is True



Into town to help friend organise forthcoming celebration - it's going to be good! Lunch in stylish cafe, but the problem with style is usually it's at the cost of comfort. Any cafe owners on blipfoto - please try out your seating before you decide to purchase matter how stylish it looks.

WAlk around shops, stopped at newish bar, could have been relaxing if there hadn't been umpteen plasma screens showing sky news (Sky News! How schemie!). Then off to the place to be seen - for a quick G&T and a laugh at the clientele.

Great curry. then caught up with some golden oldies. Much discussion about obligation - specifically family obligation. It's a thin line between independence and selfishness..and some people have crossed the line to the wrong side,

Almost forgot to blip. Took this very boring blip at the 11th hour - thank goodness for mobile phones.

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