My Aim is True


Wingpig travel?

MAIT's Sunday;

Intended up early, clean bathroom, compile shopping list, deal with strange thing on bank statement, luncheon with pal, supermarket, sort out paperwork, tidy house, make and eat dinner, catch up on TV and radio on iplayer, and then blipfoto and postsecret.

Actual slept late, met pal for lunch, coupla drinks, wander into dept store, another coupla drinks, supermarket (tried but failed to remember what all I needed), blipfoto, iplayer, dinner....and then on-hold to the bank ......

.....and still on hold.....

....and still on hold......

however, I am being thanked every 30 seconds, advised that the lines are busy but assured that my call will be answered shortly.....

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