Simply Me

By Suze981

Holidays are coming

I always know it's Christmas (not that I'd ever forget it mind you) by the appearance of the Coke Ad on tv. It seemed to come ridiculously early this year in mid November so somehow the arrival of December hasn't seemed that Christmassy.

I'm in a bit of limbo at the moment. I was letting out my flat and am tied into a contract with the tenants until February 18th. So I've been renting out a friend's spare room until I can get back home. Half of my belongings are therefore boxed up at my parents house, including the Christmas decorations. I don't usually put up my decorations until the 12th December, but right now a set of fairy lights wouldn't go amiss!

My parents are so so thoughtful though. In 2005, my mum handmade me an advent calendar - which you fill with chocolates each year. This year my dad rummaged through my boxes, found my advent calendar and then mum posted it to my temporary home so I wouldn't be without it. This is a blip of today's door, with a lovely galaxy caramel treat for me.

I'm so lucky to have a wonderful family. That's what Christmas is all about.

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