Always inconstant...

By bikeyPete

Calm before the storm.

A startlingly beautiful morning greeted me when I cycled to work.

The air was crisp and cold, the sky was inky blue and the stars still shone high above me. The horizon already heralding the dawn and the first signs of the frost began to show on the stiff grass. I could hear the air flowing over my bike's knobbly tyres and the wind stung my eyes to tears, all rapped up in my Winter gear it was just blissful.

Over the bridge and onto the common.....oft a place of gentle bewitchment, I stopped and gazed at the view. A Robin sang in the tree in front of me, its tiny body making such sweet sounds that I was mesmerised, it hen dawned on me to take a pic of the whole scene.

Normally I will take alot of photographs on a daily basis, today it was only this one! I looked at the screen and thought how lovely it is when Humans and Nature get together and make it work, these trees were planted along a foot path.

The rest of the day has been about work, and soon there will be NO daylight for me to play in.....dark before work and dark after!

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