Without Malice

By aforethought

Pro Gaming

Mahjong as a metaphor for life...

Nope. Just an iPhone game.

I am all for gaming. Ever since playing Pong (or rather the generic, non-branded equivalent) on a 14" monochrome television, scrapping with BASIC on a diminutive ZX81, and dabbling with the Spectrums, BBC Model B, Apple ][, yadda, yadda, yadda..


Why? Oh! Why must we turn everything into a game? Points for buying things, trophies for visiting places, achievements for remembering stuff. The list, much like the points, is endless.

Gamification (yes, really) is rife. And to be honest, it's starting to get in the way of the actually gaming. Diluting it. Tainting it. In fact, the worst thing about gamification is that it is increasingly being applied to games!

Let us game is peace!

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