
By mooman

Scaried Night

Tonight I'm worried. the madam above is going to the vet tomorrow to get a few teeth removed(due to them being rotten) however she is 11 next month and for a spaniel that's quite old.

The scary part is that due to her age there is a risk that the anithetic will kill her so im so scared that tonight is the last night ill have her.

As i am 22 we got Ellie when i was still quite young and she has been there all the way through my teens so she means the world to me and has never let me down.

so good luck Ellie i hope to see you tomorrow afternoon.

above is my first blip with my new super wide lens her nose isnt that big but i like the affect

ps comments on again tonight and tomorrow not sure if i should keep them on or bin them

pps i made my first 10000 views last night thanks for all those that visited not as fast as some people have had but heres hoping i can change that i will also back blip my missing days soon

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