Take one daily...

By MattW

Holidays are coming...

After having had one too many refreshments after squash on Friday night Saturday morning was a bit of a struggle.

The missus had a hair appointment at 9am so Harry and I had the morning to ourselves, this is always my favourite part of the week.

Due to a small hangover I was a bit lethargic and was not as enthusiastic as usual setting up H's hotwheels track, not that he noticed, and before long the living room floor was absolutely covered in toy cars and orange plastic track.

It always makes me smile that a 4 year old can find such happiness in setting up the same track time after time and still shriek with laughter at the fun there is to be found there, a lesson for all us grown ups I think.

Once L returned from the hairdressers we had to go shopping and get a few last bits for Xmas which is always an experience. Half of the country seemed to have the same idea and it was almost like a rugby match at times, I lost count of the amount of times people just walked in front of us or just stopped dead in front of us, the last days of shopping are the worst part of Xmas in my opinion.

When we got home we had a quick dinner (chicken fajitas, my and H's favourite) and then H insisted that we put up the tree. He has been asking to put it up for about a month now!

I took this photo simply because this Santa on the top of the tree was one that H made at nursery last year and he was so proud of it. Better that any star I reckon!

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