stuff & nonsense

By sleepyhead

Nostalgia ~ Christmas Stockings

Apologies for the giant shadows. I really need to get some proper lighting set up for these things, but I hadn't realised there was a giant shadow cast right across the middle until everything was packed away again. Grrrrrrr....

I'm a hoarder. What can I say!

In addition to the big gifts at Christmas, Santa (shhhh... I think it's really mum) always leaves us a stocking filled with wonderful things, a mix of practical and not so practical gifts, sweeties, fruit and a wee coin. The sweeties are piled, stored and (almost) never make it longer than a few short days. The fruit, always in the toe of the stocking goes straight (back) into the fruit bowl and the money (which has increased from a childhood 10p to an inflation busting £1) goes straight in the pocket but over the years the anticipation of what else is in the stocking has grown and even at our advanced years, both me and my big cousin will be champing at the bit to see what Santa has left us this year (no pressure there, Santa)!

Above you can see a few of the items collected through the years. Some are more nostalgic than others but I'm sure most of you will have come across one or two of thee or similar in your time.

Who could forget the fun-filled morning blowing bubbles into your mum and dad's faces who'd been lucky to have had a few hours kip the night before (after feeding Santa and his reindeer) or astounding everyone telling their fortunes with the miracle fish. Post It Notes have become a staple of late but even these come in so many shapes and sizes, these speech bubbles were a first.

Everyone must remember the metal puzzles. Oft found in crackers, the ones you eventually give up on trying to solve (don't even think of trying to follow the instructions - these people moved on to write IKEA construction manuals) and eventually moved on to brute force behind the back, turning with a grandiose "ta-da" and the broken pieces in your hand.

Silly putty has moved on a bit since I got my first tub. Presented in a toilet bowl and branded as "Whoopee Putty", it prompts you to see how much noise you can make. Whatever happened to just spreading it over newsprint, copying it onto the putty?!!!

Snowmen candles, noughts and crosses, the old sliding picture puzzle. magnetic book marks, my wee wooden Russian Piggies (like the stacking dolls) and a wee electronic (and very addictive - had a wee play with it again today :- )) chase the lit buttons game make up the remainder, except for two anomalies...

The Santa wasn't actually in the stocking. He was a table decoration. A we bag filled with a couple of after dinner choccy's! Hahahahahaha... can you imagine. A full Christmas dinner followed by that!!! The second is also chocolate. Goodness knows how this little chap made it out alive, but this lucky choccy bear did. Now he's a permanent part of the collection!

The Christmas spirit is growing, but I'm still not getting a tree. Bah Humbug!!!

;- )

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