Life on a Rock and More

By ChrisTaylor

The youth hostel is Art Deco - Great!

Great woodland walk in the morning. And travelled to the youth hostel after lunch.

Spent the night at Trefin Youth hostel. Not been here since the early 90's when me and my dad walked the Pembrokeshire coast path. Only me and 5 youngsters staying at the hostel. They are a group of people I had previously seen when travelling on the bus - I mused with the idea that the group are on a d of e walk. It turns out they are on a D of E walk. Great bunch who were a good laughed. They asked me lots of questions, some of which made me nervous - some quite rude questions that I don't think I would have been able to ask when I was 16. Odd but funny evening. It was time to sit on the sofa and read my book.

My room is done in an Art Deco style, different....nice

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