Happy Birthday, Jack

During his 36-year career as the photographer for the Bellingham Herald, Jack Carver captured 50,000 images of local events. The negatives and many original prints are now in safekeeping at the Whatcom Museum and a selection of prints is currently on display until March 25th in the Lightcatcher building.

The Museum held a party in the Lightcatcher today to celebrate Jack's 94th birthday. The public was invited to meet Jack, enjoy a piece of his birthday cake, and view the exhibit for free.

I waited patiently in line for a chance to chat with Jack, who was enjoying lots of hugs and kisses from the ladies. I had hoped that he'd have his trusty 4x5 Speed Graphic camera with him. He told me he was still taking photos, but with a smaller camera now. When I asked him if he wished he'd had a digital camera during his career, he said that he preferred the large negatives of the Speed Graphic.

After talking with Jack I had a lengthy and interesting conversation with Ruth, the lady in the photo. She told me how her friendship with Jack began 50 years ago when she received a Fulbright Scholarship to teach in England, and wanted photos of Bellingham to show her English students. Jack gave her the photos she needed and they've kept in touch over the years.

When Ruth told me that she taught home economics, I said I would introduce her to C, who loves to cook. I had to laugh when she told me that she hated cooking, but would still like to meet C.

I think Ruth might become another of my recruits to Blipfoto.

There's a good article about Jack here, from the October 24th edition of the Herald.

P.S. C and I went our separate blip ways today. See her blip here.

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